As this is a sunday, it means, gaming stuff.
I've uploaded Chapter 5: From the Grave, on to YouTube (link to follow). In this chapter, the Gravestone is attacked by the Eternal Empire, also, there is a massive lag that forced me to stop recording for several hours until the "cell" had reset itself. Highly annoying.
You also see again the power of the Immortal Emperor, Valkorion, flow through me as I save my friends... the sacrifices I make for those bitches... /sigh :P
Anyway, here's the link.
I almost don't play the Bounty Hunter thou... my focus is on the Sith Inquisitor and her issues with power management... she often overloads (near enemies for some lucky reason).
But anyway... That's it for today.
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
söndag 28 februari 2016
torsdag 25 februari 2016
Civil War
The movie Captain America: Civil War is coming to Swedish theaters on the 29th of April, and I wanted to get the full story. So I managed to get my hands on the whole comic book series on .cbr format so I could read em on my computer.
There is over a hundred comics spaning several different comic books from The Avengers, The Amazing Spider-Man, Wolverine and the X-Men all the way to Deadpool and Cable. In the end, I think they put in every super hero and super villian that Marvel has created since the 50s or something.

This has been a thing that Tony Stark aka Ironman, has wanted for a long time, and after a very sad thing happened, in the comics, with the death of 60 school kids, he set to work to make it happen.
The Registration Act means, that if you are a masked hero or just have super powers, you are bound by law to register and work for the goverment. And if you don't, you are breaking the law, and are thus persued and caught by the super people that has registered.
Not everyone is happy about this idea thou. Captain America is one of them. Others are for it, and some try to remain on the outside (unsuccessfully I might add).
The reason for the Registration Act, is to have a better control and view of the various heros and the things they do to battle the bad guys. But it also means, that the reason they hide their true identity, is removed.
The amazing thing about reading all these comic books, is the chance to see inside the minds of all the heroes. For instance Spider-Man, he is unsure, but his wife, MJ and aunt May convinces him to register and stand by Ironman who is a great friend of his. But so is Captain America (Steve Rogers). And following him, you can really see the doubts and hesitations, and it will be interesting to see if he turns to the "rebels" and join Captain America.

I've only so far read the first 49 comic books, so I'm just half way finished, but I have done what the comic books asks in almost every issue: What Side Do You Choose?
And I pick Captain America's side.

Aunt May said that police officers and politicians don't hide behind a mask and an alter ego, so why should heros with super power do? She has a point, to a degree. But my counter to that is, if a cop or politician dies, a new one can easily take it's place, if a cop has his family treaten, it's okay for that cop to leave his job to protect them and a new cop fills his spot.
But a superhero has powers beyond any cop or politician. If he dies or have to go away to protect his family, he/she leaves a void that often can not be filled.
If a super wants to register, than fine, go ahead. But if you don't want to, than I think they should be allowed their privacy. And if they joined, they shouldn't have to hunt down the ones they once called friends, just because they are oppose to the idea. If you enjoy having the power to save people, and you save people, why is that a crime?
It's a double edge sword... and neither side is correct or wrong. But what is happening so far in the comics, the S.H.R.A is so far very bad. Like Cable said; In the short run, it's a great idea, but further down the line, it will create a police state where noone is safe.
So... which side are you on?
söndag 21 februari 2016
Party Chapters
Well this has been a busy weekend. One birthday party after the other. First for a 3 year old, then for a 27 year old... very different parties. The toddler had a giant party with cake and balloons and relatives everywhere. The adult had lunch and a cake.
So very different :P
Anyway, it's sunday, and that means some gaming stuff. And as I am currently dishing out chapters in the new expansion of Star Wars the Old Republic... I have more for you. The link (that will be provided below) only gives you chapter 3, but if you stick around long enough, the forth starts up right after. Cool huh?
First, the escape... then... the crash.
Two episodes for the low low cost of an hour and a half... roughly.
So very different :P
Anyway, it's sunday, and that means some gaming stuff. And as I am currently dishing out chapters in the new expansion of Star Wars the Old Republic... I have more for you. The link (that will be provided below) only gives you chapter 3, but if you stick around long enough, the forth starts up right after. Cool huh?
First, the escape... then... the crash.
Two episodes for the low low cost of an hour and a half... roughly.
söndag 14 februari 2016
Dead Nightmare
I have uploaded the second chapter of my Bounty Hunter Knights of the Fallen Empire video. And I can tell you, that the 10th chapter will soon be recorded too, as it has finally been released.
This time, I am in a nightmarish world after being frozen in carbonite, and guess who is guiding me through it all? You guessed it! The Emperor. And what I see, is not so much a nightmare, but a vision of what is actually going on while I am in the carbonite... which is rather cool.
Also, I saw Deadpool yesterday. If you haven't seen it... see it. Best "superhero" movie of all time. And if you wonder what the hell i mean with "superhero", instead of just superhero without the bunny rabbit ears... it's cause Deadpool is anything but a hero. He's more of a anti-hero. He kills people for money, people, heros, villians, babies and chimichangas.
Also the fact that he keeps breaking the Fourth Wall... as in, talking to the audience or reader. He is the ONLY hero that knows he's in a comicbook... which is awesome.
Anyway, shorty today...
This time, I am in a nightmarish world after being frozen in carbonite, and guess who is guiding me through it all? You guessed it! The Emperor. And what I see, is not so much a nightmare, but a vision of what is actually going on while I am in the carbonite... which is rather cool.

Also the fact that he keeps breaking the Fourth Wall... as in, talking to the audience or reader. He is the ONLY hero that knows he's in a comicbook... which is awesome.
Anyway, shorty today...
måndag 8 februari 2016
Celebration Hunt
The celebration is over. And it went splendidly.
First guest came 10 minutes past 2. Shortly after, I had so many guests that one or two had to stand at all times :P Not really what I had hoped, but it worked.
The things I had baked was a hit too, they seemed to like all of it. But most importantly, everyone liked the get together and wishes for one again soon. Well, a few of them I'll see next weekened as we are going to see Deadpool... all thou, once we are seated in the theater, I don't care who sits next to me... it's Deadpool after all :P
Anyway, after all that celebration, I was too tired to write anything here, hence why it's monday now, and not the usual sunday. But I do have some gaming stuff for you as well.
As I told you last time, I have recorded the new expansion of Star Wars the Old Republic, this time without commentary from me. This is to make it more like a movie-ish thing, as the expansion, the start of it atleast, is just full of cut scenes and story.
If you click this sentence, you'll come to the first chapter called The Hunt.
Have a lovely monday... if you can... if you can't, have a lovely sleep when you finally get to do that instead. ;)
First guest came 10 minutes past 2. Shortly after, I had so many guests that one or two had to stand at all times :P Not really what I had hoped, but it worked.
The things I had baked was a hit too, they seemed to like all of it. But most importantly, everyone liked the get together and wishes for one again soon. Well, a few of them I'll see next weekened as we are going to see Deadpool... all thou, once we are seated in the theater, I don't care who sits next to me... it's Deadpool after all :P
Anyway, after all that celebration, I was too tired to write anything here, hence why it's monday now, and not the usual sunday. But I do have some gaming stuff for you as well.
As I told you last time, I have recorded the new expansion of Star Wars the Old Republic, this time without commentary from me. This is to make it more like a movie-ish thing, as the expansion, the start of it atleast, is just full of cut scenes and story.
If you click this sentence, you'll come to the first chapter called The Hunt.
Have a lovely monday... if you can... if you can't, have a lovely sleep when you finally get to do that instead. ;)
torsdag 4 februari 2016
Fallen Empire
Recently, I picked up Star Wars the Old Republic again. Mainly due to the fact that I kind of missed it, it is a good game, even thou it is an MMO. But also, cause their new expansion has come. So I downloaded it and even bought 180 days of game time for it. Bit more than the usual 60 days I know, but in 60 days, with everythingelse you do, you never have the time to truely see and experience what the game has to offer you... at least that is my thought at the moment, still haven't come to the end game part of the new expansion.
Anyway, the whole story is set up in 9 "Chapters", with a 10th coming soon. And I'll be recording everything up to that moment when the game tells me the next chapter is coming soon. So that is 9 seperate videos that will be posted on my YouTube channel in the coming weeks. Maybe a another one will be done with the first FlashPoint that I can do solo.
Anyway, here's a video of the Cinematic Trailer for the expansion itself: Knights of the Fallen Empire
Anyway, I thought I would give you a heads up of what I am planing with this expansion. For the last few days, I've been recordning myself working on this new expansion (exluding my ranting thou, so no voice over). The whole thing is just amasingly done with some increadible dialog and scenes. The story is the best one yet (not taking in to account the personal story that the game is famous for, as this story looks the same for everyone with small tweeks for force users and non-force users).

I know I usually refer my gaming stuff to sundays, but this sunday, I will be hosting a small get together at my place in celebration of my 38th birthday (that happens 2 days later on the 9th), so I'll probably talk a bit about that instead of gaming, but I will also give you the link to the first Chapter of the game play.
Until then...
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