But Yea I've been playing a bit. I started a new girl, as the old one was a fucktard ^^ and I've been playing on her for a spell.

30 minutes, maybe 40, you never know when your in a game that covers the clock, I spent on a single thing... puting on the roof. Now the reasons I say roof... is becouse the roof it self was not a problem, it took me 5 minutes and then the roof was done... the rest of the time how ever, I spent trying to get ONE... ONE!!!! of the "chingles", or how ever you want to say it, to sit where I wanted it to sit... next to his brothers! But did it? Noooooo... ofcourse not. Anyway, it's on now and the roof is done... except for a single little hole... I call it my breathing hole.
Anyway, that's what I've been doing all night...
I wish I was tired...
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