onsdag 18 oktober 2017

Hiccups Deluxe

Since i got up today I have had hiccups (or how ever you wish to spell it). Not constantly ofcourse as I know how to get rid of it, but what I mean is I have had one hell of a day due to hiccups. It started maybe an hour after I woke up, thought nothing of it and just continued my day. After maybe 10-15 minutes after it had stopped, or maybe I stopped it, it started up again, and again I thought nothing of it.
But since then it has done just that, started ended and then waited for a few minutes before begining again. It's fuckin hell man! Now if it was just normal hiccups I wouldn't mind all that much, but these fuckers are horrible. Half of the times it actualy hurts my inards, it actually hurts my plexus. It's fuckin mad.

In other news, I haven't writen anything in a while, a few days, which is rather stupid as I know what will happen in the story, but still, I haven't writen it down. I don't know why but it might be that it's just too much in one go and that is what keeps me from writing. Today, obviously, I haven't writen anything due to my issue, but the others?

Oh yea... almost forgot to tell you, I have started to play Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning again. It's back up! Not by the company that made it but by some folks who missed it. The sent me an email telling me about it so just jumped on that "bandwagon" and started downloading the game and installing it (which went really quickly) and started to play. I have picked a Zealot, female ofcourse, and a few others just for fun. But the Zealot is a healer which I got to tell you, is not easy to play PvE with, but in PvP it's a lot easier. I have been racking up kills, not by me ofcourse but by helping as that also counts in this game, and I have already gotten a renowned level the same level as I am, not so much to talk about I suppose but I still like it.
Sometimes I do miss my old characters but as they started from scratch I would too.

Well that's it for now, just one more thing. I had a hiccups the last few minutes, started when I wrote about the writing and ended by the middle of the gaming news.



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