First day back in the "normal" world now.
Vacation is over. Granted, I got another week of vacation at the end of august, but its just a week, so it can hardly be called vacation can it?
Anyway, I kind of figured out that vacation was over when I had to make lunch to take with me to work.. thats when you know... the fun is over ;)
So for the next 3 weeks, I will be cleaning the apartment, fix my computer (dont like that it goes up to 70+ degrees when playing games) and pack for a bit of travel.
We'll see what else I'll do.
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
måndag 30 juli 2012
torsdag 26 juli 2012
A week in the Capitol.
Been in the capitol this passed week... well not realy this passed week, but close to it, went there on wensday and got home the following wensday :)
First few days I must admite, was a tad boring, sorry honey, but all we realy did was walk the dog we had to take care of for a few days while its owner was geting drunk in germany... I want to get drunk in germany too :P
On sunday my sweet father and his beloved wife arrived aswell to the capitol city, Stockholm. We didn't meet them until the following day, on the monday, but still, allways fun to see him.
First few days I must admite, was a tad boring, sorry honey, but all we realy did was walk the dog we had to take care of for a few days while its owner was geting drunk in germany... I want to get drunk in germany too :P
On sunday my sweet father and his beloved wife arrived aswell to the capitol city, Stockholm. We didn't meet them until the following day, on the monday, but still, allways fun to see him.
Mr and Mrs Humla ... aka Dad and wife.
(Dad on the right)
Day one, the monday that is, was spent checking out the local amusement park, Gröna Lund. And wouldn't you belive it... it started raining. But here's the best news about it... it started as we took in some lunch under a marquis at a place called "Kryddhyllan" (spiceshelf). And it stopped raining a few minutes before we were done =D
We also checked out a place close by that had alot of realy old buildings which was nice, but beyond that, not much happened, we walked around, had a break then said goodbye to see eachother the day after.
By the way... the walk was atleast 6-7 kilometers long... so yea, feet was unhappy ;)
Day two, tuesday, we went on another walk and we got to see where my father, Mr Humla, grew up! :)
Pink part :)
Fun to see.. and fun that it was a pink place too :)
He told us alot of stuff about the place, and ofcourse some stories about his childhood. And call me crazy, but I enjoyed that a shitload... must be the fact that I am older now... shit like that used to be boring as hell :P
Also took in the general area a bit and took a peek at a castle that was close by... but it was being fixed up so not gonna post the pic I took.
Ended that walk with some lunch at a chinese place, then moved on to my "wife's" place for some coffeé and cake. And we even got a gift.
While we were on Gröna Lund, dad won a stuffed animal, Scrat from Ice Age.. and loving as he is, he gave it to us.
Derp Family
Dont we look nice? Pefect family of retarded morons :)
One final pic for you before I go.
When we sat and waited for the train on the first wensday to go to Stockholm, we had a bunch of birds around, and I wanted to take a picture of one that just sat there... was a young one, waiting for its parent to feed it.
Picture above: a bird (?)
Yea... I was slow. The damn bird flew away just as I took the damn picture... he had been sitting there for atleast 5 minutes... and just as I figured out that it might be a cool idea to take a picture of him.. he bolts. *facepalm*
måndag 16 juli 2012
First day of vacation is officially here!!! Yey for vacation... and for those that dont know... its my first official real vacation too, so its even more of a "yey".
Previously all I've had is unployment and holidays from school :P
And to top it off, the summer is finally starting to kick in. More sun, more heat, more scantly clad women ^^
Not much to say here yet.. but I did found a video by the almighty TotalBiscuit... started laughing less then a minute in :P
Check it out.
Well thats it for now...
Previously all I've had is unployment and holidays from school :P
And to top it off, the summer is finally starting to kick in. More sun, more heat, more scantly clad women ^^
Not much to say here yet.. but I did found a video by the almighty TotalBiscuit... started laughing less then a minute in :P
Check it out.
Well thats it for now...
onsdag 11 juli 2012
Computer down.. and cookies
No, the computer isn't down.. its leing down... just a way to get the cpu fan to be flat on the cpu. Hopefully that will help a little with the heat issues.
So yea, the computer is down... on the floor...
Found this video, and I just had to share it with the world... granted , its already shared to the world, but who knows, you might not be on that site, so you'll never see it otherwise... but then, its the internet we are talking about here, so it will most likely pop up on many many many many sites over the next few days or so.
Call me Cookie?
I dont know how to actually add a video on to the blogg so you'll just have to deal with a simple link.. but trust me... lots of great videos every day (all safe for work) on that site.
So yea, the computer is down... on the floor...
Found this video, and I just had to share it with the world... granted , its already shared to the world, but who knows, you might not be on that site, so you'll never see it otherwise... but then, its the internet we are talking about here, so it will most likely pop up on many many many many sites over the next few days or so.
Call me Cookie?
I dont know how to actually add a video on to the blogg so you'll just have to deal with a simple link.. but trust me... lots of great videos every day (all safe for work) on that site.
High Five!
Disappointment and more
I got my motherboard back.. but they never fixed it. It seems there were 3 slightly bent pins in the CPU socket, so my warrenty was no longer valid... WHAT???
I can understand if the warrent fails if the pins had been broken, that I could accept, atleast a little, but just bent? The CPU is working fine (besides a small problem I'll get to later), so why does the warrenty expire couse 3 (out of what? A hundred?) pins are bent but still work? This is not the reason I sent it in.... they just took a look at that, and didn't even bother sending on to the repair department, just packed it up again and sent it back.
They even took pictures of the bent pins, and sent em to me after I called them and asked why they never fixed the actual problem. I think they should have atleast called me before sending it back, and asked if they should go ahead and repair it anyway for a small fee, I could have lived with that.
But noooo, they just sent it back like it was completely useless and couldn't be fixed.
Heed my words, if you buy shit from, and need repairs, dont expect them to do anything but send your shit back.
When I put it back together again, the computer that is, I found that the cooling paste that sits between the CPU and the CPU fan, was almost gone, which made the cpu heat go up to 85 degrees celcius... which I think you understand is a bad bad thing. But I was in luck and my half dad got some new paste for me, some industrial version they use at his job, so now, when working online, I get a heat of about 37-50 degrees, still a bit too much thou, couse you see, for some ungodly reason, I cant get the cpu fan to sit right anymore, its a bit loose... which I think (I'm no expert here) means that the cpu and the cpu fan isn't 100% connected, so the heat isn't completely diverted.
In the long run... I might have to buy a new motherboard, perhaps even a new cpu fan, before this thing works as intended again. Which means no more long gaming runs, not even a little, couse games make the cpu go up to 85 again... so not good.
On a lighter news, its the last week before vacation, just 2 more days of work, today included. And in as many days, my beloved will arrive to my humble home to do fun, nasty and interesting things, like sunbathing, swimming in the lake, sex, bbq with friends or on our own, theme parks and icecream in the sun.
Speaking of great weather, I went out sunday to take a long walk, I needed one, but as it was raining, I thought it would be a great idea to go buy some boots for future rainy days.
So off I went with my umbrella to Erikslund Shopping Centre... that walk how ever got be twise as long as usual... why you ask? Well when I got to the tunnel that goes under the express highway that leads to said centre, I was was greated by this...
I can understand if the warrent fails if the pins had been broken, that I could accept, atleast a little, but just bent? The CPU is working fine (besides a small problem I'll get to later), so why does the warrenty expire couse 3 (out of what? A hundred?) pins are bent but still work? This is not the reason I sent it in.... they just took a look at that, and didn't even bother sending on to the repair department, just packed it up again and sent it back.
But noooo, they just sent it back like it was completely useless and couldn't be fixed.
Heed my words, if you buy shit from, and need repairs, dont expect them to do anything but send your shit back.
When I put it back together again, the computer that is, I found that the cooling paste that sits between the CPU and the CPU fan, was almost gone, which made the cpu heat go up to 85 degrees celcius... which I think you understand is a bad bad thing. But I was in luck and my half dad got some new paste for me, some industrial version they use at his job, so now, when working online, I get a heat of about 37-50 degrees, still a bit too much thou, couse you see, for some ungodly reason, I cant get the cpu fan to sit right anymore, its a bit loose... which I think (I'm no expert here) means that the cpu and the cpu fan isn't 100% connected, so the heat isn't completely diverted.
In the long run... I might have to buy a new motherboard, perhaps even a new cpu fan, before this thing works as intended again. Which means no more long gaming runs, not even a little, couse games make the cpu go up to 85 again... so not good.
On a lighter news, its the last week before vacation, just 2 more days of work, today included. And in as many days, my beloved will arrive to my humble home to do fun, nasty and interesting things, like sunbathing, swimming in the lake, sex, bbq with friends or on our own, theme parks and icecream in the sun.
Speaking of great weather, I went out sunday to take a long walk, I needed one, but as it was raining, I thought it would be a great idea to go buy some boots for future rainy days.
So off I went with my umbrella to Erikslund Shopping Centre... that walk how ever got be twise as long as usual... why you ask? Well when I got to the tunnel that goes under the express highway that leads to said centre, I was was greated by this...
Now I'm not saying the tunnel had some water problems... but I didn't want to get my dick wet just to go buy some shoes... the shoes I had on was already wet enough.
This meant I had to go the long way round... which made my one hour walk, turn into two hours. Fun time.
But atleast I now have some boots for the next rain season so I dont have to get wet feet again. Only problem now is the boots themselves, they are shiny green... only ones they had in my size :P
Well thats it for now, had other things to talk about too, but got bored, so I'll fill you in more later.
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