lördag 3 mars 2018

Creepy Thing

Today I had a rather interesting thing happen. I was playing a bit of Fallout 4, after I got the proper graphics card working, and  was going around doing what ever it is that you do in the game. After a while I got dirty and I decided to take a shower.
So i went into a rather old and worn down cargo thing from a train and there I had placed a shower, well I had placed two showers but that's besides the point. So anyway, I was standing in the shower and I noticed something wierd...

Yea, that's me in the shower, checking my nails... and behind me Piper is standing... watching me, like a creep. Good thing I like her and would not mind if she joined me. But she was just standing there, staring...
I felt a bit creeped out.

Anyway, that was my day. How was yours?


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