Not yet, ofcourse, but soon enough. The last of April is the final day, then it's gone for good.
Why? Well there are 3 reasons really which I will go over here.
1. I am never there anyway. And seeing as I am never there, why should I even have an "account"?
2. I am sick of being monitored for everything that I say, think and feel. Now luckely, I have not really noticed any of that as I never use it. But the idea of it all is making me sick to my stomach.
3. I do not want to see all the updates from friends and family that I do not want to see. The gaming, the leftist/rightist ideaology, the nuts or icecream or what car or what shoes they bought. I don't want to see pictures pictures pictures on almost every damn post. That is not the reason I joined facebook.

So this is the goodbye facebook post.
Bye facebook, I hope I never see you again.