söndag 19 juli 2020

I Had Forgotten

I had apparently forgotten about this place, completely. I am sorry about that.
I have tried to write something on here every week and then it just up and went away from my head in like two seconds flat. That is not nice, specielly to me. Long ago I had set up in my head that I would write here every week, sometimes twice per week, until I got to the very minimum of a thousand posts.
I am nowere near that many posts.

These last few weeks and months I have been trying to get a hold of a job but so far all I get is a now, we dont have room for you, becouse of the worldwide sickness, we have allready found someone and all the other things they tell me,
It's starting to look like this stupid "germ" wants me to stay home all day long and rot.

Becouse I had forgotten about this place, I had also forgotten to put out more of my story.
Here is the next part.
Lets just say that I hope that I will not forget it in a week. Couse that would be bad.

So what am I doing these days? Play Sims 4 from time to time, write on a different story and ofcourse play on a WoW private server called Freaks. I hade played on a vanilla server called Turtle, but I grew bored of it after a while, its still in the system, but yea, its a bit boring.
In Sims 4 I ahve just started two different familys, one of just two with a pair of twins who are vampires and another with 8 people. All who are related to eachother. You know a pair of twins who are of the elderly kind who have been fucking and giving birth to a pair of two twins who have fucked and given birth to a pair of twins who have fucked and given birth to a pair of twins who now are in high school.
And yes, they all love eachother and they all like incest.
I dont know how long I will play on that family thou, probably not long.

The Most Unusual and perverted Family Ever!

tisdag 14 april 2020

Se7en or Something

I have just posted the seventh part of my story "Keeping the Secret" about my girls, I do hope you enjoy it.

Here it is.

First off, I am sorry about taking so damn long to post it, but I am currently in, basically, house arrest due to the virus thats flying about on the people. Its horrible, I mean people are on their way out the door... you know, to be dead and all.

This is scary... damn chinese and their stupid eating habits. Now I'm not saying its due to a bat, but they eat the stranges things there, and one of them could have been infected by something that later turned out to be this covid-19, corona virus,  and now millions are on the verge of getting it.
The world has gone "bat-shit" crazy.

Hopefully this little story will help releve some of this crazy stuff.


lördag 14 mars 2020

Sex... No, it's Six!

It's been a few days longer... Shut Up Dude!! It's been a FEW days later, not weeks... since I updated my story. But now I have! :P
This is obviuosly good, I think, so now you can read it if you want to. Which you probably wont anyway.

Here's the link to it.

Anyway, so far, nothing has realy happened for the past few weeks. And I do mean nothing. has. happened. Escept for the fact that I ahve gotten a bit too much dust in my room, which I am now sneezing because of.
And yes, I have vacuumed the room to get the dust away.... unfortunatly, they do not stay in the vacuum, but instead they fuck off to the rest of the room.


tisdag 25 februari 2020

Practical Fifth

It's time for the fifth part of the book. I hope you like it.

The Fifth part of the book is here!

I realized that I had not put out the last chapter yet today, hence why you are getting it now.
Happy reading!


Still haven't found a practice place as of yet. But truth be told, I haven't been searching alot either. I know I should be looking every day, specially since I have gotten a place to stay with my old friend, and maybe even lover, in a different city, and moving to a new town, is pretty exciting.

I'm gonna have to get this searching a proper try soon.


tisdag 18 februari 2020

Some Toys

I've got a few new toys.
The first one I got was a new graphics card as the old one was really fuckin old. So when ever I play games these days, they dont lag like crazy... except for one of them, which is weird as it's also an old game.
The new card is an 8gb card, which means a lot better then what I had.

Now the second toys is really a toy. Or more exatly, a doll, of Kanna the white dragon form an anime show called Kobayashi-san No Maid Dragon. Now Kanna is the "child" of the dragons, and not the maid. But she's so fucking cute that you can't help but fall madly in love with her.

In there news, still have not gotten a spot on a job.



söndag 16 februari 2020

Hard Forth

Just realized I needed a new part for my computer... a new graficscard.
Found one, very cheap, and I went and got it. And for the record, it's one hell of a step up from the one I had before hand.

So the forth part of the story, Keeping the Secret, is now up for grabs... just 10 more to go!! :P

Here it is.

.. And I do think thats all I got to say today.


onsdag 5 februari 2020

Third and Something

So i have just posted the third chapter of my book... and now it's getting really interesting!! Or maybe not, who knows right?

Here it is!

I hope you read it, naturally, but be warned, its pretty long. I mean, it is proper chapters from a proper book. A book I have actually writen, relesed and now I just want people to read it.
You can, if you want to, get it...

And also, something has happened!
But I will not tell you about it... yet.


onsdag 29 januari 2020

The 2nd Time Around

Today I have posted my second chapter in the story "Keeping the Secret". It's pretty good, and now I guess you can call the two girls up top for Sarah and Anne huh? hehe...

Here it is, linked and all.

I also have an idea of the second part of my "space" story as well, you know, the one I will be trying to get into book form. But as I am now into a different story, a sexual one naturally, so I will not start writing it yet.

Until next time...


torsdag 23 januari 2020

That Took Time

Yes I know, I'm sorry. I did say that I would post the first part of the story in a few days, not over a week later.
But I have put it up, just not here, obviously. I posted it on my wordpress site.
I do hope you'll read it, if you will not... then fuckin don't, I'm not your mother after all :)

Beyond that...


söndag 12 januari 2020

A New Thingy

I just bought a new TV... not for watching TV chanels on, but to use as my computer screen. And now it's up and turned on. Currently writing these words on it. And I got to tell you, it's realy easy to see what I write, whats on the screen and obviously, its also alot easier to see whats on it. I noticed early something I had not seen before.

So its good, thats for damn sure.

Gonna post my first writing on here in a few days, maybe tomorrow... we'll see.

Til then, have a good one!


fredag 10 januari 2020

I Will Write More

I give you my word that I will. I will write more here from now on. Yea sure, not every week maybe, but I will write some once in a while. Aaaaand, I will not only write in english, but in swedish as well.
Now granted, the words that I put down here will be in english, as some of my reader is from other countries. But the words that I will put on here, are stories that I have made up, and most, if not all, are writen in swedish.
Sorry about that.

Anyway, thats all I have for you today.
