söndag 11 november 2018

Well now...

... this sucks ass. I have completetly forgotten my Skype loggin. I haven't logged into skype for so long that I have actually forgotten how to do it. Now I haven't forgotten HOW to log in, just the name and password.
I realized this when I tried to log in a few days ago and all I saw was nothing. No contacts at all. So I naturally chekced in with microsoft and read on thier site that I must have a different log in name and password and that is when it hit me.
I started using skype a very long time ago, such a long time ago that I did not even have my Gmail account connected to it (which btw is the one I have now), I must have had something else connected to it.

So if you are reading this, and would like to get in contact with me through skype. Please, send me your details. Just search for my name or better yet: https://join.skype.com/invite/bocrheK63TDH and you should be able to get in.
Let's hope it works out atleast.

Oh yea... I also realized I have not written anything here for a long time, sorry about that, I am working on it. I swear.
