onsdag 17 januari 2018

A Thing That Happened

Thought it might be time to tell you all of an incident that happened yesterday. I was kicked out of my apartment due to unpayed bills. I have lost my apartment. I have wanted to move out for as long as I can remember, but obviously not like this.

I thought of this a long time. Like a really long time. What should I do, where should I go? And all I could really think was that I wanted to live in the forest. Away from everything and everyone. To be left alone and just hunt and fish for food, build a home and be happy. Try and update my blog from time to time to let people know that I was still around.

But as it turned out, my half dad, Kjell, did not like that idea. So now I'm sitting at his place, in my own room (big thanks to him for that) wondering how the rest of my future will turn out. I have unpayed bills, well over 100 000 skr, but I will call the right people and get the "ball" runing and just see how it goes. Right now all the money I'm getting is below minimum living conditions, and it has been that way for close to six months. Hence why I lost the apartment.

But fuck it, I'll survive. Right now I'm living rent free with free food, so things are looking up. But I still want to move out in to the woods.
